Sensations, Types of Sensations

Satchit Ghimire- We know about the world through our senses. Sensation-awareness resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ and perception interpretation of sensations work together to allow us to experience the world. Vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch are the popular human senses. Furthermore, there is a kinesthetic sense that helps…

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Parts of the Brain

Satchit Ghimire- The human brain is one of the most complex organs in the body. Weighing about 1.4kg it controls almost every vital life support system. The human brain has three major structures: ForebrainMidbrainHindbrain Picture Credit: Jupiter Images/ Forebrain The forebrain is the most anterior and most prominent part of…

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Neuropsychology? Introduction to Neuropsychology

Satchit Ghimire- Neuropsychology is the scientific study of the relationship between human brain function and behavior. In other words, neuropsychology aims to explain how the activity of the brain is expressed in terms of observable behavior. Neuropsychology is a highly interdisciplinary field drawing information from various disciplines like neurology, psychology,…

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Neurotransmitters and behavior

Satchit Ghimire- Scientists have identified several chemical substances at synapses in the nervous system and the junction between nerves and the muscles. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are essential for maintaining vital brain and bodily functions, and their excess or deficiency can produce several behavioral disorders. Picture Courtesy: Shutter2u,…

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Neurons and nerve impulses

Satchit Ghimire- The human brain consists of about 150 billion nerve cells (also called neurons), which are connected.  Neurons: Neurons or nerve cells are the information carrier of the nervous system. The neurons consist of a cell body and two types of fiber: dendrites and axons. The dendrites have many branches that receive stimulation…

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Biological Basis of Behaviour: The Nervous System

Satchit Ghimire- The nervous system is a complex network of neurons that regulates bodily processes and is responsible for all aspects of conscious experience (Robert A. Baron, 2002). In this blog, we will be providing concise information about the nervous system and how it shapes our psychological processes and behavior.…

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